Fudaa-LSPIV Version 1.9.2 (2022/05/03) ========================== Fixed ----- - Crash of the tranf_a executable during the image orthorectification operation. Version 1.9.1 (2022/04/15) ========================== New features ------------ - Creation of transects in abscissa/z mode Improvments ----------- - In the calculation parameters windows, a "Preview" button has been added to see the velocities on the first pair of images. Fixed ----- - The gen_img_ref.x file was not installed with execute permission on Linux. Version 1.9.0 (2022/01/04) ========================== New features ------------ - Gauging report: - The stabilization parameters are restored in the gauging reports. - The project can be managed in 7zip format. - Display of statistics on raw and filtered velocities (Post-processing->Display results statistics menu). - Orthorectification in 4 point distance mode (Orthorectification->Orthorectification->Reference points->4 point mode menu) - Manual calculation of velocities, and corresponding layer (PIV Analysis->Manual calculation of velocities menu) Improvments ----------- - In case of modification of the orthorectification mode, the following results are deleted. - The number of transects is displayed in the graphics window. - Compatibility with FlowPic : - The flow_area.dat file containing the flow area is generated. - The user_extract.dat sample parameters file is generated. - The user_extract.dat file can be imported. - Improvement of the calculation of resolution by default (exe gen_img_ref) - When deleting a filtered vector, the average + discharge results are suppressed. - The filter on the norm of velocities is set to 0 by default. - When validating the calculation parameters, the velocities results are previewed. Fixed ----- - The Linux setup integrates the FORTRAN library with the correct version number. - When filtering velocities, the norm of velocities can no longer be less than 0. - When sampling with ffmpeg, the first and last frames are deleted (incorrect frames). - Bug on portrait videos Version 1.8.2 (2020/12/01) ========================== Fixed ----- - Sampling: Videos that do not have the duration information in their properties are now readable (MKV format in particular). Version 1.8.1 (2020/11/02) ========================== New features ------------ - Sampling: The original size of the images is displayed in the preview panel Fixed ----- - exes have been fixed. - Sampling: The link between X and Y dimensions were not kept when sampling a second video. Fixed. - During a transformation by scaling, if the dimensions are too large, nothing happens. Fixed. A message is displayed if the creation of transformed images fails to limit the dimensions. Version 1.8.0 (2020/07/30) ========================== New features ------------ - Sampling: - Sampling progress is now functional. - It is possible to set an image size different from that of the video - It is possible to interrupt the sampling operation. - The remaining time is displayed in the progress window during long operations (sampling, velocities calculation, ...). - The PGM5 format is accepted in Fudaa-LSPIV and is used for calculations. - The stabilization calculation can be interrupted. - It is possible to import several transects at the same time. Improvments ----------- - The title of the result layers is simplified. - In "scaling" orthorectification mode, it is possible to define only the resolution. The other parameters are then calculated by default. - An help is displayed in the stabilization settings window. Version 1.7.3 (2020/01/02) ========================== Improvments ----------- - When restarting all the calculations, the steps to restart can be chosen. The calculation starts after user confirmation.. - The calculated global coefficient of velocities is displayed in the flow results window and in the gauging report instead of the global coefficient of velocities defined by the user. - The point coefficients of velocities calculated by bathy_compute are assigned to the coefficients at each point following the editing of a transect. Fixed ----- - Traceback when changing the interpolation step on a transect. Fixed. Ouput file product by bathy_compute is correctly reread. Version 1.7.2 (2019/11/13) ========================== New features ------------ - It is possible to restart all the calculations (LSPIV Analysis->Restart all calculations menu). Only the steps whose parameters have been defined are recalculated. - Transects allow point coefficients of velocities. If the global coefficient of velocities is disabled for transect, point coefficients can be given. Point coefficients left empty are automatically interpolated by Fudaa-LSPIV. - During the video import, a preview of the video is displayed, which allows to define at best the sampling. - Linux: Parallelization is enabled for most executables. Improvments ----------- - The setup and exe are specific to the target OS (Windows, Linux, 32/64 bits). - Some improvements on the parameters window of IA/SA. Fixed ----- - The calculation of raw velocities after the definition of filters also filtered raw velocities. - Linux: Images imported from a video were out of order. - Desktop shortcuts now run the launch script, allowing the user to modify it for specific settings. Version 1.7.1 (2019/06/03) ========================== New features ------------ - During modification of parameters (calculation, filtering, average, transect), the succession of the results that depend on them are suppressed (raw results, then filtered, then averaged, then discharge). - It is possible to export the results (raw, filtered, averaged) to an Excel file (menu File->Export->Export results to Excel). - It is now possible to define research ellipses on transects. 2 radius are accessible (Rx and Ry). Improvments ----------- - After filtering the velocities, the layer of the filtered velocities is displayed automatically. - In the discharge results table, the water level is no longer modifiable. The velocity coefficient is displayed for each transect. - "Image Cache" menu is moved to the preferences panel (General->Calculation tab). - The splash screen is reviewed to make more visible the version of Fudaa-LSPIV. Fixed ----- - In the video import, the time step is displayed with 5 decimal. The number of images per second is displayed as integer. - Crash when checking reference points when the transformation parameters are not entered. Corrected. - Velocity vectors possibly drawn in black when they are at the limits of the color palette. Corrected. For existing projects, you must automatically recalculate the palette, or restart the calculation for the correction to be visible. - Some translation fixes. Version 1.7.0 (2019/02/26) ========================== New features ------------ Adding an image stabilization module : - An image stabilization panel (Images->Images stabilization parameters) allows you to enter the parameters (flow area + parameters). This panel enables or disables stabilization. - The Images->Stabilize the images command starts the calculation. Once the images have been stabilized, they can be transformed. - The "Show Stabilized Images" button on the toolbar allows you view stabilized images instead of source images in the source image space - The command File->Export->Export stabilized images allows the export of these images. Version 1.6.4 (2018/10/12) ========================== Improvments ----------- - Metric coordinates are kept when resolution or time interval changes occur. - Velocity layers : The 2.5 m/s default fixed norm is remomved. - Copy / paste is available on transects points, both at creation and modification. Circles are displayed when editing a transect, and an apply button is used to view changes. - Previous GRP points are kept during entering, and can be deleted or added by copy / paste, even when no points exist. - Delivered Windows executables are compiled in 64 bits. - "Invert transect" action is accessible from contextual menu, after selecting a transect. Fixed ----- - Default correlation values are revised - Default values of the velocities limits are revised. - Temporary directories are deleted at the end of the sampling. - Images are sampled with ffmeg with new options (first images were wrong). - When importing calculation parameters, the time interval is not imported. - During sampling, the previous images were not overwritten by the new ones. Version 1.6.3 (2018/06/01) ========================== New features ------------ - Scaling : Pairs of points: The segments are displayed until the end of entered in a specific layer - Scaling : The pairs of points (resolution, transformation) are saved and retrieved. - Video import : The action is in a separate menu. The file is read to display the time interval before sampling. Sampling is done by indicating the sampling frequency of the images (1 on x). - Fudaa-LSPIV is compatible with Java 9 or 10. Improvments ----------- - Following the calculation of the velocities, the real view is shown and the real velocities layer is displayed. - The NORM result is displayed first in the menu, and selected by default - Scaling : Xmax and Ymax are calculated by default according to the resolution and the image size. - Scaling : Units are displayed and the column order is changed in the pairs of points table. - The LSPIV menu is divided into 6 menus corresponding to the old sections. - The images can be either calculation or background images. Images->Manage source images menu allows to define their type. - Help texts are added to the Video Import, Calculation Parameters, Filtering panels, as well as to the start of the transformation images calculation and velocities calculation. - The time interval and the number of images per second are moved from the calculation parameter panel to Images->Video Import and Images->Source images management. - Scaling : An Apply button is added with test on the 1st image. - Scaling : The water level is requested in the settings panel. - A confirmation request is displayed before launching instantaneous velocities calculation. - The water level is displayed in the Discharge results dialog. Fixed ----- - During entering the size of the interrogation area in meters, the pixel size is rounded to avoid display of the error message "the size must be an integer". Version 1.6.2 (2018/01/19) ========================== Improvments ----------- - For compatibility with QGIS, the default extension of the Serafin results export file is SLF. - The Export volume format option has been removed from the export dialog (unusable). - LSPIV executables are now in double-precision. Fixed ----- - Exporting the results to a Serafin format was incorrect (the velocities could not be visualized under QGIS). Version 1.6.1 (2017/12/20) ========================== New features ------------ - The results can be exported to Serafin format (File->Export->Export Results menu). Improvments ----------- - An "Apply" button has been added to the "Scaling->Parameters" dialog to test transformation on the current image. - Result values on invalid points (CORRELATION = -99) are now interpolated with the values of the surrounding points (the points were previously deleted). - The layer names have been revised so that the distinction can be made in the legend display. - In the case of 2D orthorectification (all GRP points have same Z), the water level must have the same value. Otherwise, the modification is made before launching the calculation, and a message is displayed to warn the user. - The palettes for the velocity layers are by default degraded, with 30 levels, compacted. The velocities are plotted with a thickness of 2. - It is possible to work in Lambert coordinates. The coordinates are automatically reduced (transparently for user) to limit errors during calculations. Fixed ----- - The number of isosurface ranges is automatically reset to 30 after displaying OMEGA or DIVERG variable (displayed with only one level). - Some interpolated velocities that did not appear (transect velocities) are now correctly displayed. - Graphic settings saved in projects were incorrectly restored. - Export of the gauging report was impossible if Fudaa-LSPIV was launched directly from command window (with BAT file). Version 1.5.2 (2017/06/08) ========================== New features ------------ - Display on the 2D real view and on the 3D view of extrapolated depth velocities (shown with a different color). The legend is displayed accordingly. - A new type of images transformation has been added (scaling). For scaling, the resolution is given or calculated from pairs of points clicked on the screen. A translation / rotation can be applied from 2 points by giving their real coordinates. - The left and right banks of the transects are indicated by a label on theirs endpoints. It is possible to invert transects (Edit->Invert transects menu). Improvments ----------- - The gauging report is opened automatically following its creation. - The unit (m) of the reference points is specified in the input windows. - PDF help is replaced with HTML help. - Invalid result points are deleted (CORRELATION = -99). The meshing of the results in isosurfaces are therefore modified. - Copy / paste is possible on the columns of the GRP editing tables, transects and grid points. - Water level is no longer set by default. - Some default parameters have been revised (representation of velocities with a velocity legend at 2.5 m/s, 30 isosurfaces levels, legend between 0 and 1 for correlation, 'plus' symbol and 'circle' for given/verified GRP points, labels transparency modifiable by the control panel of the layer. - An alert message is displayed to the user when creating a transect if the water level is below the lowest point of the transect or if the z of one of the two endpoints of the transect is less than water level. - The layer tree of the 2D real view has been completely reorganized. Fixed ----- - The name of the saved report file is now by default _report.xlsx. - The first image sampled when importing images from a video is deleted. Version 1.5.1 (2017/04/13) ========================== New features ------------ - Check that a new downloadable version is present on Fudaa-LSPIV site at launch of Fudaa-LSPIV. In addition, the Help->Update menu allows you to check the presence of an update. - Ability to import project sources images from a video sequence, through the menu LSPIV->Source images management->Import. The ffmpeg utility is used for this functionality. Imported images replace existing source images in the project Improvments ----------- - Name of .dat files during data import is now defined by default in import dialog boxes. - The tooltip on the Automatic images cache action has been reviewed. - The English gauging report has been integrated. Several modifications were made to the gauging report. Fixed ----- - Existing problem of not taking into account the manual suppression of velocities for average calculation (if there was no backup in the meantime). - Menu File->Export->Export source images export remained disabled till project contains transformed images. - Filters on the VX and VY components were interchanged. Version 1.5.0 (2016/12/20) ========================== New features ------------ - Instantaneous velocities filtering has been improved : After a filtering of the velocities by calculation and before filtered velocities averaging, it is now possible to delete some velocities manually. For that : - Select the filtered instantaneous velocities layer - Select the result for which to delete velocities - Select one or more velocity vectors with selection tool - Execute the command "Edition->Delete" (or Delete shortcut). - A gauging report is available by command "File->Export->Export gauging report". This report is based on an Excel template, some values are to be filled in a dialog shown before saving the report file. Improvments ----------- - Transformation parameters can be imported (command "LSPIV->Transformation parameters-> Import") - Calculation parameters can be imported (command "LSPIV->Calculation parameters->Import") - The calculation parameters dialog has been redefined, notably showing data in pixels or meters. An explanation diagram has also been added for the search area. - Velocities filter parameters have been modified. Fixed ----- - Freeze of the application could appear at the end of the calculation of average of instantaneous results. Version 1.4.5 (2016/03/23) ========================== Improvments ----------- - In "reference transformation parameters", adding coordinates of rotation center point. Those coordinates are given in reference which follows translation. Previously, the coordinates of center were 0,0 - In the dialog window of the discharge calculation results, the differences are displayed ?with a sign '+' or '-' - A new command "LSPIV->Show calculation results" has been added to display results without having to recalculate discharge. Fixed ----- - When "LSPIV->Transect parameters" is selected, discharge results are no more removed, whether or not parameters are modified. - The title "origin reference" is replaced everywhere in application by "initial reference". Version 1.4.4 (2015/08/31) ========================== New features ------------ - A different origin reference from that of calculation can be defined by the reference tool of the toolbar. The rotation, X, Y, Z translations are modifiable to transform origin reference to comutation reference. Associated dropdown list tool allows the user to choose the working reference, and then : - to view coordinates in the corresponding current reference. - to import data (GRP, transect, etc.) in the current reference. Results are also displayed in this reference. Improvments ----------- - Possibility to select multiple transects simultaneously to apply discharge calculation parameters (LSPIV->Discharge calculation parameters menu). - Adding the results in the dialog displayed at the end of a calculation of discharges. The deviation from the mean of each result is displayed for each transect. Fixed ----- - In 3D view, discharges are not represented with Z corresponding to the water level. Fixed. Version 1.4.3 (2015/04/21) ========================== New features ------------ - Transects can be shown in a 3D view. When a transect (or more) is selected, the "Transect(s) 3D view" item menu is accessible. The user can view the transect(s) following a 3D perspective, and rotate around it through the mouse. Combinaison of keys can be used simultaneously with mouse buttons for zooming/panning/rotation. If discharges have been calculated, they are displayed with transects, in a X,Y horizontal plane. - Geometries like GRP or transects can be moved with 2 new tools : Displacement tool, and rotation tool. Thoses new tools can be accessed from toolbar or from "Edition" menu. Improvments ----------- - Drag & drop is efficient for project files. You just need to drag a file from explorer and drop it on application. - When changing parameters of a transect through the parameters dialog, interpolated points and search circles around those points are shown, and refreshed when "apply" button is pressed. If "cancel" button is pressed, previous parameters and geometry are reset. - It is now possible to add GRP either by import, or by the clic with the mouse. When to add more, a message is displayed asking the user if he wants to keep old points or delete them. It is also possible to individually delete each point (selection next DEL key). The points control (number, same coordinates Z) is only performed before transformation settings or transformation itself. - Discharge calculation can be launch with Ctrl+Shift+Q shortcut. Fixed ----- - Can't create a new transect if none exists. Fixed. Version 1.4.2 (2015/03/31) ========================== New features ------------ - Fudaa-LSPIV supports multi transects. It is possible to add new transects (LSPIV->Transect->New or Import menus), or delete previous defined transects by selecting them and pressing the 'delete' key. Each transect has its own properties (accessible by LSPIV->transect parameters menu), you can enter when a transect is selected ('Edit' menu can also be used to change parameters). At the launch of discharge calculation, a loop is performed on each transect, and results are combined to product a global result. - The particle tracing (stream lines or paths) was added to this version. 3 particles tracing layers were added in real space for this purpose : 1 layer for the raw results, 1 layer for the filtered results, and 1 layer for averaged results. To realise the plot, it is necessary : - To select the layer concerned. - By the stream lines / paths calculation menu and dialog that appears, to fill in the type of plot, the initial integration time step, the starting segment, possible variable to be displayed on markers. - To start the calculation from the dialog box. When retrieving a project, the particles tracing are recalculated from previously saved settings. Improvments ----------- - Old previous projects (before 1.4.2) are converted according to the new project structure. - The language selected during installation is used by default when using the application. Fixed ----- - Question dialogs reply buttons are in French (Oui / Non) even in english version. Fixed. - This version is now dedicated to Professor Ichiro Fujita, Kobe University. - While saving a project, extension .lspiv.zip is not automatically added if the file name contains a '.'. Fixed. - About and License dialogs are in French, even in english version. ?Fixed. - While launching the application from the script file, path of the documentation is incorrect. Fixed. - Adding default values for the calculation filters. Version 1.4.1 (2015/02/23) ========================== New features ------------ - Source images can be in any format (JPG, GIF, PGM, BMP, ...) and can be imported such as. For the calculations, they are automatically transferred to PGM. - Source and transformed images can be exported according to their original format or ?(JPG, GIF, BMP, PGM, ...) format chosen by the user. Images are exported in the folder selected by the user. - The filtered results are retrieved and displayed in real space into 2 layers, one ?representation layer as arrows, and one representation layer as isosurfaces. Improvments ----------- - The GRP are displayed in mm in the check dialog box. - Adding an "apply" button for the number of points when defining the grid points ?to visualize the points before confirming. - When defining the grid points, a message is displayed to ask the user if he wants to keep the previously defined points or delete them. - Help items menu points to the WWW site and pdf documentation included in the distribution. - The image layer is set invisible in real space when checking GRP. - The filter parameters of results are grouped with averaging parameters, ?and calculations uses the raw results previously calculated. - The executables have been updated in this release. Fixed ----- - After selecting source images, the view does not refocuses on imported images. Fixed. - The number of GRP points must be at least 4. Below 6, the points must all ?have the same Z. An error message is displayed if these criteria are not met.