Preprocessing of GIS data for determining the model mesh and parameters for the distributed hydrological model PUMMA.
Development is based on GRASS GIS and Python scripts.
Co-developed by Irstea, France, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Universidad de Chile, in the framework of the PhDs S. Jankowfsky and P. Sanzana.
Project partly funded by the ECOS-CONICYT C14U02 bilateral project France-Chile (2015-2017), and projects FONDECYT Nº1131131, CEDEUS (FONDAP 15110020), FONDECYT ENL009/15 , CIGIDEN (FONDAP 15110017); Vicerrectoría Académica de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Irstea grants for visiting scientists "
- UR-UMR-Direction: HHLY
- Thème de recherche: ARCEAU
- Disciplines scientifiques :
- Maître d’œuvre: Interne UR-UMR-Direction
- Etat d'avancement: 4 - Beta/Test
- Langage de développement: Python
- Interface: Console (flux de texte)
- Système d'exploitation: Linux, Microsoft
- Langue: Anglais
- Licence: GNU General Public License (GPL)
- Diffusion de l'application: Non défini
Manager: Flora Branger, Isabelle Braud, Michael Rabotin
Développeur: Christine Barachet, Pedro Sanzana, Sonja Jankowfsky